Friday, May 23, 2008

redang trip 2008 (1)

a 3 day 2 night trip to redang a wonderful trip, so as with lots of friends and my girl friends along with in this trip, it can labels as one nice trip that i able have it before. we staying in a resort called redang beach resort, what is special about this resort, i just can say the food there are unbeatable by the others resorts around redang island..especially the night before we came back from redang island, the bbq dinner...what a wonderful and delicious food they have, satay, corns, fish ball, and others.......

Saturday, May 10, 2008

TODAY.... a day after yesterday,a day before tomorrow...few day more,i going to have a trip to pulau redang already!!hehe...i wonder how is the sky at there, how wonderful is the sea there, and also the hotel there...because it may impact how much happy that i will having my lovely holiday is the time that i have to keep my baggage..prepare everything before 'hang 'out to pulau redang...hmm...what i have to bring leh?erm...haiz...forget about it la.haha..i keep it i dint hang out to anyway..maybe my friends will call me out to pasar malam tonight lo...thomas cup will starting tomorrow lo. hope malaysia badminton team will win this year la!!!hehe....gambateh lol....