Friday, June 20, 2008

my cousin wedding <1>

long time din' t write blog d,
these days a lots of homeworks to do,really busy until no time to online lo.
ya ya.. talking back to my topic today, that is about my cousin wedding ceremony, where held at my parents hometown, Tangkak, Johor.
early in the morning, even i really don't want to wake up de(because last night before ,i watch the match between spain and sweden mar..hehehe...nice match, my hero fernando torres score, and david villa score at last minute who end sweden hope to quarter final..)
after gaodim my stuff, my dad fetch my mom and i to my cousin house then he go back my grandma house wait my bro wake up, while my mom wait at my her bro house..

huh?where am i??????

hehe... i drive my cute kelisa follow my cousin go his darling there to carried her back!!!!!!

the wedding is camry, the new camry, 2.4cc, damn nice de,hehe, my gf dream car mar...
den follow my another cousin and his friend, and 2 camera men.

what happen follow then???


to be continue............

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